Common Name - Sedum morganianum magnum
Country of Origin -
How to grow - Sedums can tolerate a wide range of conditions, they do well in poor or rocky soils where most plants would struggle making them perfect to cover areas of ground that otherwise would be empty. They don't need deep roots so they can be planted in very shallow ground or on green roofs. Most are hardy all year in the UK, especially further south, they don't like being water logged, at the nursery we grow them in 50-50 grit and compost. They do well in full sun but will tolerate partial shade.
Hardiness - -15c
Description - Large spikey looking leaves, this is a larger version of Sedum morganianum
All plants will be shipped bare root. grown in 9cm pot.
The plant in the picture will be similar to the one you receive, but not always the exact one. Any questions about sizes please contact us before ordering.
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