Common Name - Crassula setulosa, Hairy Cushion Crassula
Country of Origin - South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland
How to grow -Crassula are easy plants to care for, they prefer full sun to partial shade, however during extreme heat in the summer the intense sunlight can burn the leaves. Will make an ideal house plant if given enough light. Watering wise make sure to avoid over watering by allowing to dry out between waterings, have a porous soil with good drainage and repot as needed. If given too much water they can grow too quickly and the stems will not have a chance to harden up and may flop, reduce watering and trim back if needed to remedy this. Lower light levels when the plant leans towards the light can make this issue worse.
Hardiness - 5c +
Description - Spreading out in time to form a tight leaved hairy mound this crassula looks great in low terracotta bowls, due to how the plant grows be careful with top watering or keeping wet for too long. Stunning flowers of white/pink/red
All plants will be shipped bare root. grown in 9cm pot
The plant in the picture will be similar to the one you receive, but not always the exact one. Any questions about sizes please contact us before ordering.
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