It’s all go at the nursery and all the customers both at the site and online have kept us very busy, thanks again for all your support. The sprayers have already been on a few times to water outside, but we’re still watering by hand inside as some of the succulents haven't quite woken up yet, even after nearly 4 months without water snf the return of winter certainly didn’t help!

We’re hoping to be able to attend at least a few fairs this year, restrictions permitting and have booked places at Powderham castle for Toby's Garden festival as well as the Burrow farm gardens summer plant fair, we just need to dust off the marquee and plan out the stand again, as the amount of paperwork for covid safety we have to do this time has certainly made things more tricky to organise.
Giulia’s veg were very popular last year, they’ve proved popular again this year but with the wrong kind of customer, mice! There is usually a bit of swearing in italian when she opens the tunnel to find something has been nibbled, though we have now put extra staging inside the tunnel to lift everything off the ground.
Our delivery of nematodes should be arriving soon, we’ll then apply another treatment in the autumn to help keep on top of things.
We’ve had a pallet of terracotta pots arrive, unfortunately a few were broken on delivery, however we’ve made great use of them, they’ll look great once they’ve grown a bit more. We’ll then be using them as display pots later in the year around the belfast sink we recently planted up hardy succulents.
